Most instances will be transitioning into our new system within the next couple months. Below are changes you should expect and be ready for.
Content Versioning
This is a significant change in workflow. Content now will retain every save as a version. This allows you to edit and preview content changes before publishing. Publishing is also new, each time you want to update the content on your website, you must publish.

Search Engine Preview
Each content entry that has a related webpage will show you how the search engine result will look in Google based on your meta content.

Audit Trail
A new section in available to mid-market and enterprise accounts is a log of every action taken in the system. This feature logs the time, user, and action for every event and can be searched or reference in each area of the content manager.
Health Tab
A new section called Health replaces the SEO section. In this the new section is a new simpler, cleaner interface to browse through and create 301 redirects. Robots.txt and Site Crawler are still there, with the same interface.
Zesty Unique Identifiers (ZUIDs) is moving from numeric IDs to a unique hash based identifier. This will make data easier to reference globally. This change is in preparation for a developer API and out of browser editing for developers. ZUIDs for content sets (collections) and content entries will be visible in the URL and throughout the interface. This does effect templates that leveraged content ZIDs (Zesty numeric identifiers) in relational lookup using parsley. Please consult your account manager for more details.
Parsley Templating Language
The way Parsley lookups have changed due to multiple version of content, and publishing. Each loops that once leveraged `items.publish_date` or `z.publish_date` will now just reference `publish_date` (dropping the z. or items. is required to have your statement run). Other new Parsley functionality has been added and will be released as developer documentation over time.
In conclusion
Overall, we are very excited about the new changes. Many other changes are occurring behind the scenes to improve performance, reliability and provide future insights.